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«March 2025»
  1. Week of the Dutch Language: film screening in Cape Town

    Week of the Dutch Language: film screening in Cape Town

    10/6/2022 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM

    To celebrate the Week of the Dutch Language, together with our colleagues of the Consulate-General of Belgium in Cape Town and the Consulate-General of the Netherlands in Cape Town, we are hosting a screening of the Dutch drama The Promise of Pisa at the Labia Theatre.
  2. Week of the Dutch Language drive-in film screening in Pretoria

    Week of the Dutch Language drive-in film screening in Pretoria

    10/4/2022 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

    Together with our colleagues of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in South Africa and the Embassy of Belgium in Pretoria, the Delegation of Flanders is organising a drive-in cinema screening of "The Promise of Pisa" on Tuesday 4 October at Loftus Park (NL spoken, EN subtitles).
  3. Dutch Studies Day on 1 October in Cape Town

    Dutch Studies Day on 1 October in Cape Town

    10/1/2022 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM

    STUDIO SASNEV in collaboration with the Kaapse Forum Neerlandistiek (KFN) supported by the Taalunie, the
    Diplomatic Representation of Flanders in South Africa, the Consulate-General of Belgium in Cape Town, and the
    Dutch Embassy in Pretoria invites you to “Neerlandistiekdag” and this year’s opening of the Celebration of the Dutch
  4. De Schrijver's werf at the Vrystaat Arts Festival

    De Schrijver's werf at the Vrystaat Arts Festival

    10/2/2022 - 10/8/2022

    De Schrijver’s-werf is a project that aims to create a community of writers, poets and theatre-makers who are connected by the Dutch language commonality. This language commonality allows for participants to comprise individuals from a vast range of countries and regions. These countries and regions include but are not limited to the Netherlands, Flanders, Suriname, Aruba, Curaçao, Saint Martin, South Africa, and Namibia.
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