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11 million Euro for projects in Southern Africa
Flanders Representative - South Africa 2330

11 million Euro for projects in Southern Africa

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On 18 and 25 November, the Government of Flanders approved grants for nearly 11 million Euro for projects in Southern Africa. 

The Government of Flanders supports the social entrepreneurship program of IDC with 3 million euro. IDC or the Industrial Development Corporation of South Africa is a national development finance institution. Their social entrepreneurship program helps entrepreneurs taking the hurdles they encounter when starting up their business. The focus is on making available risk capital and developing skills and knowledge about effectiveness and impact. 

Also in South Africa, the Government of Flanders supports a pilot project on outcomes-based performance contacting instruments to deliver social services with a grant of 1.25 million euro. the National Treasury and the Bertha Centre are carrying out the project. Outcomes-based government contracts are contracts in which the government no longer pays for carrying out activities but only for the actual impact of the activities. The goal is to create outcomes-based performance contracting instruments on a national level.  

In their cooperation, South Africa and the Government of Flanders focus on job creation, SME development and social entrepreneurship. 

In addition, three more grants were approved by the Government of Flanders for the region:

  • 5 million for the Multi-Donor Trust Fund for the Agriculture Sector Wide Approach - Support Project in Malawi;
  • 1,3 million for United Nations Population Fund for training centers for qualified midwives in Mozambique;
  • 400,000 euro for ActionAid Mozambique for the "Accelerating women and girls rights" project in province Tete.
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