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2 million Euro for improving health services for adolescents and women in Mozambique
Flanders Representative - South Africa 2243

2 million Euro for improving health services for adolescents and women in Mozambique

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On 16 December,  the Government of Flanders granted 2 million € to Doctors with Africa for the 'Programme to Improve sexual and reproductive health in adolescents and women with a focus on enhanced acces to contraception, HIV and STD prevention' in Mozambique. 

Doctors with Africa (CUAMM) has been working in Mozambique since 1978 and has a good reputation among various partners. With this programme, the NGO aims to improve the sexual and reproductive health of adolescents and women in Mozambique. In particular, for adolescents they focus on contraception and prevention of HIV and for women on prevention of cervical and breast cancer and vaginal fistulas.  

The programme will improve health services by making them more youth friendly and –accessible and by improving the skills of service providers. And by increasing preventive and curative services for woman related diseases. 

The goal is to reach about 200,000 children and adolescents in the province of Tete in Mozambique. The programme will start in 2017 and will runs 4 years. 

Minister-president Bourgeois: “Mozambique has a young and poor population. The disparity between rich and poor, urban and rural, male and female is big. Flanders focuses its cooperation with Mozambique on health care and the development and implementation of an efficient and effective health policy at national level. And with particular attention to the most vulnerable groups such as adolescents and young women.”

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