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3rd Country Strategy Paper Malawi: focus on agriculture
Flanders Representative - South Africa 1566

3rd Country Strategy Paper Malawi: focus on agriculture

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On the first of January, the third Country Strategy Paper (2019 – 2023) for Development Cooperation between Flanders and Malawi entered into force. Flanders provided 25 million euros for this cooperation programme over a period of five years.

The Country Strategy Paper (CSP) 2019 – 2023 is the result of a joint consultation process between the Governments of Malawi and Flanders. In line with the previous strategy, the efforts will be on improving the agricultural sector, with a specific focus on extension services, market-oriented farming and sustainable land management. Extra attention goes towards ensuring equal opportunities for women and youth, and to support the ongoing decentralization process within the agricultural sector. The CSP aligned with the Government of Malawi’s major policies such as the five-year National Agricultural Policy (2016) and to Malawi’s National Agricultural Investment Plan (2017).

On 15 November 2017, a bilateral consultation took place in Lilongwe, during which the framework for a future cooperation programme was outlined. By continuing its support to the development of a sustainable and smart agriculture, Flanders will pursue its efforts towards improving food security and food safety of small farmers in Malawi.

CSPIII can be consulted here:

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