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7th Joint Committee of Cooperation between Flanders and South Africa
Flanders Representative - South Africa 1619

7th Joint Committee of Cooperation between Flanders and South Africa

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On March 24, 2022, the seventh Joint Committee for Cooperation between Flanders and South Africa took place. The Flemish delegation met at the Errerahuis, the official residence of the Minister-President in Brussels, and the South African delegation took part in the meeting virtually. The Governments of Flanders and South Africa have maintained good relations for more than twenty-five years.

During the meeting, the chairpersons, Ms Julie Bynens, Secretary-General of Flanders Chancellery and Foreign Office, and Ambassador Maud Dlomo, deputy Director-General of the South African Department of International Relations and Cooperation, exchanged views on the recent political, social and economic trends.

The actual agenda was thoroughly prepared in advance in mixed Flemish-South African working groups on the themes of Arts & Culture, Higher Education, Science & Innovation, Human Rights, Trade & Investment and Youth Policy. The meeting was therefore able to quickly reach concrete working agreements.

Political contacts on these themes will be discussed during the mission of Minister-President Jambon at the beginning of April 2022.

Both Flanders and South Africa are looking forward to a fruitful and result-oriented collaboration on the agreed subjects.
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