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Alegria is 'Ambassador for a day' in Maputo in the framework of #InternationalWomensDay
Flanders Representative - South Africa 1772

Alegria is 'Ambassador for a day' in Maputo in the framework of #InternationalWomensDay

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Mozambique celebrates not only one Women’s Day; they reserve a whole month for women! The “Mês da Mulher” kicks off 8 March on International Women’s Day and ends on 7 April which is the “Dia da Mulher Moçambicana”, or National Women’s Day. In this framework, the Belgian Diplomatic Mission and the Delegation of Flanders in Maputo join other female diplomats in the 'Ambassador for a day' initiative. This activity invites girls, who represent the various provinces in Mozambique, to take over the role of an ambassador for one day.

The 'Ambassador for a day' theme in 2023 is “Gender Equality and Ending Child Marriage". The campaign aims to raise awareness and promote advocacy around the growing problem of early pregnancies and child marriages in Mozambique, but also to inspire and encourage the leadership potential of young women, and to promote gender equality and the empowerment of women.

Séverine de Potter, head of the Belgian Diplomatic Mission in Mozambique and Kaat Matthys, Deputy Diplomatic Representative of Flanders in Maputo, have joined forces to give a young woman the opportunity to job shadow them for a working day. She will experience diplomatic activities and have the opportunity to engage with successful women both within and outside diplomacy, to meet with press and to visit project activities including a Centre for Integrated Assistance (CAI) for victims of sexual violence.

Our Ambassdor for a day is twenty-one year old Alegria António Moemba, born and raised in Vila de Moamba, in Maputo Province. She lives in Moamba (in Madinguene neighbourhood) with her parents and four siblings. She finished High School in 2020 and would like to study Sociology. Alegria is a dynamic young woman who stood out as an activist in the project “Bate-Papo sem tabus” implemented by NGO ICRH-M and funded by Flanders. Her activities included door-to-door visits, meeting with teenagers and youth, as well as with their caregivers. Alegria provided counselling on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) and where relevant, referred young people to the SAAJ (Adolescent and Youth Friendly Services on SRHR). She also lectured on topics related to SRHR.

Her biggest wish is that "adolescents and young people can have easy access to education so that they can get rid of many bad things that can happen in their lives; they can change their future and help their parents who didn't have the opportunity to study."
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