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Call for proposals: enhancing access to markets for smallholder farmers in Malawi
Flanders Representative - South Africa 4340

Call for proposals: enhancing access to markets for smallholder farmers in Malawi

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The Government of Flanders has a long-standing relationship with the Government of Malawi. Flanders will contribute to the transformation of the agricultural sector of Malawi, as stipulated in the National Agriculture Policy (NAP) and National Agriculture Investment Plan (NAIP). The Country Strategy Paper 2019-2023 (CSP) aims at enabling smallholder farmers to participate in inclusive markets and achieve better income statuses as well as better, resilient livelihoods.

This Call for Proposals (CfP) is targeting non-state actors to complement the Government of Malawi and other partners’ efforts to strengthen the agricultural sector in Malawi. The call fits within the general objective of the CSP namely ‘to contribute to the transformation of the agricultural sector in Malawi with special attention for women and youth, to increase, diversify and commercialise their production’.

Therefore, this CfP is looking for organisations that support farmer cooperatives and SMEs in farming (agribusiness) in the districts of Kasungu and Mzimba, to get better access to markets.

Proposals ranging from €500,000 - €1,500,000 , all costs included, will be considered. All projects must be implemented over a minimum of 3 and maximum 5 years timeframe.

Please note that the proposed projects must be submitted and aligned with criteria set out in the Application Guidelines, which you can find below.

Closing date and time: April 5, 2021 at 5pm (Time in Malawi, GMT +2)

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