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Cape Town Philharmonic Orchestra presents 'A Taste of Belgium' concert
Flanders Representative - South Africa 1678

Cape Town Philharmonic Orchestra presents 'A Taste of Belgium' concert

Event date: 9/15/2022 7:00 PM Export event

The Cape Town Philharmonic Orchestra's second concert in the Spring Symphony Season is titled 'A Taste of Belgium'.

The concert takes place on Thursday, 15 September at the Cape Town City Hall at 20:00 and is supported by the Delegation of Flanders in Southern Africa.

Flemish conductor Rik Ghesquière and violinist Jolente De Maeyer will perform August De Boeck’s Violin Concerto with the CPO, who will also perform De Boeck’s Dahameene Rhapsody. The third work to be performed will be Symphony in D minor by César Franck, the Belgian-born composer.

An informative pre-concert talk will be held at 19:15 in the Sunken Lounge and refreshments are available at the bar during interval and after the performance.

Secure parking is available on the Grand Parade opposite the City Hall.

For more info and tickets, please visit

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