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Flemish - South African youth cooperation in the spotlight
Flanders Representative - South Africa 1769

Flemish - South African youth cooperation in the spotlight

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From 4 to 9 December the Youth Division of the Department of Culture, Youth and Media received a delegation from the South African National Youth Development Agency (NYDA). They discussed the planning for their joint activities for 2018. Further on the programme: a number of visits to various youth work initiatives in Flanders (such as De Ambrassade, JES, Habbekrats, VDS, etc.). And a debate on voting rights at the age of 16. Minister Sven Gatz joined the debate and spoke with members of the delegation about the current youth cooperation. 

This cooperation between Flanders and South Africa goes back to 1994. In the area of youth development and youth work, the collaboration got shape very quickly. It resulted in the development of youth volunteer policy, youth policy and youth work development. Such as exchange and training of youth workers and youth leaders, research on local youth policy, knowledge seminars and congresses, the 'adoption' of four local community centers, the elaboration of a toolkit on volunteers, peer learning and study visits. 

Now 23 years later, the cooperation of the Flemish youth sector and their South African counterpart is still as intense. End May 2017, Minister Gatz paid an extensive working visit to South Africa where he became acquainted with the South African youth policy in all its facets.

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