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General Representative visits Flanders-funded projects in Tete
Flanders Representative - South Africa 1471

General Representative visits Flanders-funded projects in Tete

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From 12 to 14 October, General Representative of Flanders in Southern Africa, Dr Geraldine Reymenants, accompanied by colleagues from the Delegation of Flanders in Mozambique, visited Flanders-funded projects which aim to improve access to inclusive, gender-sensitive and quality sexual and reproductive health services for adolescents and youth in Tete Province. The busy three days included courtesy meetings with representatives of the State Secretary and Governor for Tete Province.

In the framework of the “Leave no adolescent behind” project, implemented by Cuamm, they attended the official opening of the SAAJ (Youth-Friendly SRHR Services) at the Provincial Hospital of Tete, in the presence of H.E. Papa Vicente Rosário Momad Ali, spouse of the State Secretary for Tete, and visited two further SAAJ centres in Tete City. They also visited Changara District to visit both beneficiaries and implementers of the “Accesso sem barreiras” (access without borders) project of PCI Media, TV Surdo Moçambique and Centro Internacional Para Saúde Reprodutiva - ICRH-M, which targets abled and differently abled youth through health centres, community workers and radio.

The visit was also the ideal opportunity to introduce our diplomatic trainee, Nicolas Vandeviver, to the cooperation with Mozambique and our colleagues and partners in the country. Nicolas will be joining the Delegation of Flanders in Pretoria until 2 December, in the framework of Flanders’ Diplomatic Academy, aimed at strengthening Flemish diplomats through an extensive training programme. We are delighted to welcome him to our team and look forward to working with him!
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