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Government of Flanders supports a Viva Africa project for HIV prevention in Mozambique
Flanders Representative - South Africa 1672

Government of Flanders supports a Viva Africa project for HIV prevention in Mozambique

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The Government of Flanders has decided to allocate 350.000 euros to ngo Viva Africa for the ‘Improving women’s health’ project in Mozambique. The project focuses on the prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT), HIV treatment and a Human Papillomavirus (HPV) screening. The project is being rolled out across the regions Maputo City, Machava and Matola.

In Mozambique, Viva Africa mainly supports the implementation of the international DREAM program, aiming at prevention of mother-to-child transmission, health education and women's emancipation.

Mozambique is one of the three priority countries for Flemish development cooperation. This project fits into the promotion of sexual and reproductive health among young girls and women.

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