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Knowledge Sharing Colloquium on Job Creation and Food Security
Flanders Representative - South Africa 1959

Knowledge Sharing Colloquium on Job Creation and Food Security

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On Tuesday 8 November the National Treasury and the General Representation of the Government of Flanders organised a Knowledge Sharing Colloquium on Job Creation and Food Security as the closing event of the Technical and Management Support (TMS) programme.

This programme was launched in 2012 to develop the capacity and knowledge base of development in South Africa. It provided funding which allowed beneficiaries from government, academic institutions and government-linked NGO’s to conduct case and feasibility studies, as well as pilot projects testing innovative ideas and concepts. Funding came from Flanders while National Treasury provided support towards the management of said projects.

The key note address was delivered by former Minister of Finance, Nhlanhla Nene, who stressed the importance of agriculture and food security for development and its job creation potential in South Africa.

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