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Liesbeth Homans new Minister-president
Flanders Representative - South Africa 1742

Liesbeth Homans new Minister-president

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On 2 July Liesbeth Homans took the oath as Minister-president of the Government of Flanders. She replaces Geert Bourgeois who takes up his seat in the European Parliament. Minister Ben Weyts is the new Minister for Foreign Policy.

Geert Bourgeois moves to the European Parliament before a new Flemish government has been formed after the elections of May the 16th . A rearrangement of competences within the resigning government became necessary. Minister Homans (Local and Provincial Government, Civic Integration, Housing, Equal Opportunities and Poverty Reduction) keeps her powers and becomes Minister-president. Minister Ben Weyts (Mobility, Public Works, Vlaamse Rand, Tourism and Animal Welfare) takes over Foreign Policy and Immovable Heritage from Geert Bourgeois and becomes vice-minister-president. There are no changes for the other members of the resigning Government.

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