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MP Bourgeois and President Nyusi approve 3rd Country Strategy Mozambique
Flanders Representative - South Africa 2459

MP Bourgeois and President Nyusi approve 3rd Country Strategy Mozambique

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On 21 April, minister-president Geert Bourgeois met President of Mozambique, Filipe Nyusi, in Brussels. On their agenda was the approval of the third country strategy for development cooperation in Mozambique.

With this new strategy Flanders commits itself to an annual grant of 5 million euro for health care in Mozambique for the period 2016 – 2020. Both Governments make the explicit choice to focus these resources on adolescents, with an emphasis on adolescent girls (10-19 years). Mozambican teenage girls are very vulnerable in terms of sexual and reproductive health. They have a high risk of catching hiv-infection and of maternal  mortality.

Geert Bourgeois, "With the focus on this very vulnerable but often neglected population of adolescents, Flanders and Mozambique opt for a radical renewal of their cooperation in the field of health care. We will increase the access of adolescents to sexual and reproductive health care and to sexual and relational education. At the same time we want to protect them better against harmful practices such as child marriages and forced marriages. Finally, health workers and health researchers must develop awareness to the specific needs, behaviors and sensitivities of this young and vulnerable population."

The strengthening of economic ties was also discussed. For this the Mozambican Ministers for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Oldemiro Baloi, and Trade and Industry, Max Tonela, joined in.

President Nyusi: "We look forward to increase cooperation in the field of port development. Flanders is well-known for its expertise in this field, and Mozambique commits itself to the development of its major ports in Maputo, Nacala and Beira which are playing an increasingly important role in the region of Southern Africa. "

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