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PEERS 2 and SEED 2 projects approved by Government of Flanders
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PEERS 2 and SEED 2 projects approved by Government of Flanders

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The Government of Flanders on Friday 13 November approved the second phase roll out of two projects in South Africa. Both projects will commence in 2016 for a duration of three years.

PEERS Phase II has as its aim the provision of skills, support and opportunities to enable entrepreneurs from the poorest areas of South Africa to launch, sustain and grow their own enterprises. The project will be implemented by TRIAS, in partnership with the National African Federated Chamber of Commerce (NAFCOC), the South African Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SACCI), and the Afrikaanse Handelsinstituut (AHI). In Flanders, the Unie van Zelfstandige Ondernemers (UNIZO) and Exchange will provide essential technical expertise and support to the programme. See:

SEED Phase II has the objective to advance social and environmental entrepreneurship in South Africa, thereby supporting the creation of environmentally sustainable employment for less well-educated, marginalised groups. In so doing, the project aims to contribute to the emergence of an inclusive green economy. SEED is hosted by Adelphi Research and is implemented in partnership with the Department of Environmental Affairs. See: (Photo: African Honey Bee)

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