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Reaping the Potential of Entrepreneurship for a Climate-Smart Inclusive Green Economy in South Africa
Flanders Representative - South Africa 2201

Reaping the Potential of Entrepreneurship for a Climate-Smart Inclusive Green Economy in South Africa

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The Government of Flanders, in partnership with the Department of Environmental Affairs, supports Indalo Inclusive South Africa towards their “Reaping the Potential of Entrepreneurship for a Climate-Smart Inclusive Green Economy in South Africa” project. Indalo partners with the Climate Innovation Center SA and Adelphi Research on this project which aims to enhance climate resilience in rural communities.

The project will provide direct incubation and capacity building support to aspiring entrepreneurs and early-stage enterprises to assist with market-readiness. It also aims to raise awareness about relevance and potential of climate-smart enterprises to contribute to national and global agendas. Furthermore it will establish Indalo as a Centre of Excellence and National Focal Point for Eco-Inclusive and Climate-Smart Entrepreneurship to provide enterprise support and capacity building for ecosystem stakeholders.

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