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Support for Mozambique and Malawi after deadly cyclone
Flanders Representative - South Africa 2004

Support for Mozambique and Malawi after deadly cyclone

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Minister-president Geert Bourgeois and Minister Koen Van den Heuvel express their condolences to the victims in the Flemish partner countries Mozambique and Malawi after the devastating passage of cyclone Idai and make 250,000 euros immediately aviable for emergency aid. The contribution is primarily for meeting the most urgent needs, but also for supporting the climate-related disaster preparedness of the region.

Minister Koen Van den Heuvel: “With the 250,000 euros that we are now releasing, immediate aid can be offered such as supplying  drinkable water and shelter. Also, we will continue to support local capacity building projects to help the South cope with disasters as a result of global warming. ”

The Flemish Red Cross is currently carrying out a by Flanders supported climate project aimed at strengthening disaster preparedness in the region. Thanks to the "crisis modifier", a specific part of this project, the Red Cross was able to immediately release funds for urgent assistance. The organization managed to get 5,000 relief supplies on site before the access roads were closed. 200 volunteers were trained in emergency first aid, who can make the difference between life and death for affected victims. Part of the Flemish support is for replenishing these quickly deployable reserves.

Flanders supports several long-term projects in Mozambique and Malawi that specifically focus on strengthening local capacity to cope with the climate problem in the region and on supporting the coordination of the humanitarian sector.

Minister-president Bourgeois: “The poorest countries in the South are hit the hardest by climate change. Therefore, Flanders supports projects in Malawi and Mozambique which focus on sustainable, structural solutions to limit the impact and negative consequences of climate change for the population.”


Flanders also participates in humanitarian aid programs for Mozambique and Malawi through structural financing of the global and country-specific humanitarian system:

  • Flanders contributes annually 600,000 euros to CERF, the UN fund for humanitarian aid. This fund allocates 20 million euros to meet the most urgent needs in Malawi, Mozambique and Zimbabwe.
  • 479,000 euros will be allocated to the SDG Acceleration Fund Malawi. The fund can immediately make available 160,000 euros for the most urgent needs in Malawi.
  • Flanders supports the Cosaca emergency aid consortium (478,963 euros). The consortium is part of the "humanitarian country team", in which UN agencies, the Red Cross, NGOs and the government coordinate the aid. This structure aims to facilitate better coordination of disaster management in Mozambique.
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