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Support for Red Cross projects in Southern Africa
Flanders Representative - South Africa 1554

Support for Red Cross projects in Southern Africa

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On 9 November, the Government of Flanders approved a 1 million euro grant to Red Cross Flanders for a follow-up on the regional first aid initiative in southern Africa. With this initiative, Red Cross Flanders aims at contributing to solving the regional challenges in developing countries in the field of first aid.

In 2013, Red Cross Flanders and the Government of Flanders set up a large-scale study in ten countries in Southern Africa. The study revealed a number of shortcomings. In 2015, the first project focused on improving the management and quality of first aid training. 

“The evaluation of this first project has shown that a second phase is desirable in order to have a long-term impact,” according to Minister-president Geert Bourgeois.

The Government of Flanders therefore allocated 1 million euros for this project (Lesotho, Malawi, Swaziland, Zambia, Zimbabwe and South Africa). The new first aid initiatives will focus on youth and first aid workers. Furthermore, the Red Cross Flanders will help the local organisations in their search for commercial funding to further support the positive results.

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