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Third Flemish vaccine donation to Mozambique
Flanders Representative - South Africa 1412

Third Flemish vaccine donation to Mozambique

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On January 7, a Belgian-Flemish donation of 1.209.600 Johnson & Johnson vaccines (via Covax) took place at the warehouse of the Medicine and Medical equipment center of Maputo. Deputy General Representative of Flanders, Kaat Matthys, was present at the handover of the vaccines to the Government of Mozambique, represented by vice-minister Lídia Cardoso.

This is the third Belgian-Flemish donation: on October 20 and on November 8, deliveries of respectively 150,000 and 207,000 Astra Zeneca vaccines took place. Another donation of Johnson & Johnson vaccines is in the pipeline and is expected to arrive in Maputo in the coming weeks. With these donations, Belgium is among the biggest contributors of vaccines to Mozambique, together with China and the US.

To facilitate the donation, Flanders worked closely with the federal colleagues, the Ministry of Health of Mozambique and UNICEF.
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