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«October 2024»
Grants for two projects in Mozambique
Flanders Representative - South Africa 1349

Grants for two projects in Mozambique

The Government of Flanders is awarding project grants to two organisations in Tete Province in Mozambique. The projects aim to improve access to sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR). They are specifically targeted on vulnerable groups and focus on mothers and newborns.

Organisations were selected through a project call in close cooperation with the Mozambican government. The projects are in line with the Country Strategy Paper for Development Cooperation between Flanders and Mozambique 2021-2025.

Selected organisations:
(1) Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) is an international NGO. The Protecting Future: Health Program project focuses on strengthening health services for pregnant women, toddlers and infants in Mozambique, using innovative methods and technologies.

A specific tool is used to detect pregnant women at risk of preeclampsia. As such, the project helps reduce maternal mortality. The project is part of a wider programme around education and family planning.

The approach taken in this project, in close cooperation with Tete Province, produced good results in four other provinces. The grant amounts to EUR 1.5 million and runs for four years.

(2) Ajuda de Desenvolvimento de Povo para Povo (ADPP) is a local NGO whose Tsogolo Tsicana (Go Girl) project seeks to remove the many barriers adolescent girls and young women in Tete are facing in terms of sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR).

These barriers include high rates of early and child marriages, low educational attainment levels, limited knowledge of SRHR, and lack of community support in gaining access to SRHR services. The project aims to drive a shift in attitudes to certain social standards. To this end, actions are being initiated at individual, community and institutional levels, including in schools, girls' and women's clubs, and during community dialogues and home visits.

The grant amounts to EUR 1.5 million and runs for four years.


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