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7 projects selected from the Call for Proposals on Climate Change Adaptation
Flanders Representative - South Africa 1435

7 projects selected from the Call for Proposals on Climate Change Adaptation

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In May 2018, the Government of Flanders launched a Call for Proposals entitled: Towards Enhanced Climate Change Adaptation and an Inclusive Adaptive Green Economy in South Africa. Seven projects were selected from this call, all of which look at tackling climate change adaptation challenges in innovative ways and by building on multi-actor partnerships.

One of these projects is Gendercc Southern Africa - Women For Climate Justice Network's Mango Project, supported by Flanders in partnership with the Department of Environmental Affairs. Gender CC aims to build an informed climate resilient movement of Southern African women and men, so as to benefit society as a whole, while at the same time opening up opportunities within the green economy.

The Mango Project targets smallholder farmers within the mango farming sector. The objective is to build capacity amongst 6 000 small holder farmers in the Hebron (North West) and Vhembe (Limpopo) districts so they can supply high quality and sustainably produced green mangoes to the Hebron Mango Tree Owner Primary and Vhembe Agro-Processing Cooperatives respectively. These cooperatives will also receive support through skills development, services, information and technologies to improve their participation in the mango value chains and diversify their income streams.

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