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Towards an Inclusive Green Economy in the Kruger to Canyons Biosphere Region
Flanders Representative - South Africa 1649

Towards an Inclusive Green Economy in the Kruger to Canyons Biosphere Region

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"Towards an Inclusive Green Economy: Showcasing Sustainable Land Use Management Projects in the Kruger to Canyons Biosphere Region" is a Green Economy Project that shows the benefits of productive land and water custodianship. In so doing, it strives to promote increased food and water security for the local community, as well as increased economic opportunities as part of an inclusive green economy.

It will work with around 250 livestock and crop farmers of the Bapedi Ba Dinkwanyane people who practice subsistence and semi-commercial forms of agriculture, adjacent to one of South Africa’s most iconic nature reserves, the Blyde River Canyon Nature Reserve. This beautiful part of the country brings opportunities in terms of potential access to both commercial and tourism markets.

Supported by the Government of Flanders in partnership with Department of Environmental Affairs the project is implemented by the UNESCO Kruger to Canyons Biosphere Region (, in close partnership with Hoedspruit Hub ( and Conservation South Africa ( The Hoedspruit Hub is a social enterprise founded by three commercial farms who invest in local communities and economies through skills development that support livelihood strategies. Conservation South Africa contributes technical and financial resources to support conservation by local partners.

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