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Advanced Human Rights Course on The African Human Rights Systems in Comparative Perspective
Flanders Representative - South Africa 1280

Advanced Human Rights Course on The African Human Rights Systems in Comparative Perspective

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The Government of Flanders has been supporting the Advanced Human Rights Courses Programme run by Centre for Human Rights of the University of Pretoria since 2012. The programme, launched in 2000, offers annual advanced short courses of one week’s duration which cover human rights, development and good governance in Africa. Traditionally, Flanders supports three of these courses per annum, in collaboration with a Flemish University.
Most recently was the course on The African Human Rights Systems in Comparative Perspective, held from 21 to 25 October, in collaboration with Ghent University, represented by Prof. Yves Haeck, Professor of International Human Rights Law, and Dr. Clara Burbano-Herrera, Postdoctoral Research Fellow.

In her opening remarks, General Representative Dr. Geraldine Reymenants explained that Flemish support is driven by the importance which the Government of Flanders attaches to human rights, equal opportunities and gender equality.

Over the past 7 years, these courses have also served to build strong ties between the UP Centre for Human Rights and its counterparts at several Flemish universities, allowing for stimulating and informative dialogues and exchange of information and expertise.

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