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Bilateral Consultation between the Governments of Flanders and Mozambique
Flanders Representative - South Africa 1481

Bilateral Consultation between the Governments of Flanders and Mozambique

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On 16 October, the 7th Bilateral Consultation between the Governments of Flanders and Mozambique was held in Maputo. The primary objective of the meeting was to exchange views on the respective economic, social and political situation of both partners and to evaluate the implementation of the 3rd Country Strategy Paper (CSP) on Development Cooperation (2016-2020). The current CSP aims to strengthen the health care sector in Mozambique in general and Tete province in particular, with a specific focus on the promotion of sexual and reproductive health and rights of adolescent girls.

Both partners expressed their general satisfaction about the status of the implementation of our development cooperation programme, and discussed the way forward going into the second half of the CSP timeframe. Dr. Antonio Macheve, Director: Europe and the Americas of the Mozambican Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation praised the Flemish development cooperation in Mozambique as being “exemplary in a priority sector such as health care; the cooperation should be continued, deepened and can be set as an example for other donors”. He also called upon Flanders to deepen the relations with Mozambique beyond the area of development cooperation.

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