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2 million Euro for health sector in Mozambique
Flanders Representative - South Africa 1784

2 million Euro for health sector in Mozambique

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On 26 October, the Government of Flanders approved a grant of 2 million euros to PROSAUDE, the joint fund for the health sector in Mozambique. By supporting PROSAUDE, the Government of Flanders aims to strengthen the health policy and the health sector in Mozambique.

Mozambique remains heavily dependent on foreign aid. The so-called Sector Wide Approach (SWAp) comprises financial support of international donors for a specific sector (sector budget support). In line with this approach, Mozambique has developed SWAps in five sectors: health, education, agriculture, water and public works. PROSAUDE is the financial instrument for health care and is managed by the Mozambican Government and international donors together on the basis of annual planning cycles and control mechanisms.

Flanders has been providing an annual contribution of 2,000,000 euros to the fund since 2008.

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