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Flanders and Agricultural Commodity Exchange hand over warehouses to agricultural cooperatives
Flanders Representative - South Africa 1653

Flanders and Agricultural Commodity Exchange hand over warehouses to agricultural cooperatives

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On Tuesday 21 January 2020, the Government of Flanders and Agricultural Commodity Exchange for Africa (ACE) handed over two warehouses to two agricultural cooperatives. From mid-2014 to mid-2019 the Government of Flanders supported the project "Strengthening Farmer Organizations and Rural Structured Trade Mechanisms" in Malawi. The project was implemented by ACE & World Food Programme and included the construction of six warehouses.

The warehouses were handed over to Gwiritse Producers and Marketing Cooperative in Nsaru village, Lilongwe East, and Chilanga Farmers Trust in Chilowa village, Kasungu, after they received their formal land title deeds. Both organisations also received their accumulated warehouse fees of MK 15 million and MK 19 million respectively, to boost their business plans. Four other warehouses will be handed over as soon the respective organisations have obtained their land title deeds.
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