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Flanders Day Online: Climate Change Adaptation
Flanders Representative - South Africa 1813

Flanders Day Online: Climate Change Adaptation

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On the occasion of Flanders Day, we have compiled five videos showcasing original and inspiring cooperation projects between Flanders and South Africa.

Day 5: The South Africa-Flanders Climate Adaptation Research and Training Partnership (SAF-ADAPT) is an ambitious 4.5-year collaborative project. It brings together three South African universities (University of Cape Town, University Of Venda, University of Fort Hare), KLIMOS (a consortium of six Belgian universities), and the Adaptation Network.

The partnership hopes to enhance South Africa’s capacity to respond to climate change by strengthening the knowledge base for innovation in climate change adaptation. A key element is connecting multiple actors in both Flanders and South Africa, within government, civil society, local communities, academia and the private sector.

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