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Flanders launches four new projects in Malawi
Flanders Representative - South Africa 2427

Flanders launches four new projects in Malawi

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On 24 March 2022, the Delegation of Flanders in Malawi launched four new projects focussing on access to markets for smallholder farmers. Strong partnerships of NGOs partnering with SMEs like Kwithu Kitchen and Thanthwe Farms or the Lilongwe University of Natural Resources, coupled with a focus on value chains such as groundnuts, soya, honey, fish, tomatoes, onions and beef, are optimal for guaranteeing markets to farmers for their produce.

The launch took place during the visit of representatives from the Flanders Chancellery and Foreign Office in Brussels, Katrien de Pauw and Joris Keuleers, visiting Malawi from 20 to 26 March to attend the launch and learn more about private sector development in Malawi. Also present was a team from the Flemish NGO Exchange, visiting Malawi to support Malawian companies such as Kibebe, Hortinet and Ziweto Agri-Vet Shops.
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