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“Two Brothers from another Sea” culinary exchange in Paternoster
Flanders Representative - South Africa 1310

“Two Brothers from another Sea” culinary exchange in Paternoster

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On 7 and 8 December, the second leg of the “Two Brothers from another Sea” culinary exchange between Flemish chef Willem Hiele and South African chef Kobus van der Merwe took place in Paternoster, Western Cape. The first leg took place in June in Koksijde. Van der Merwe is the chef of Wolfgat, which was named Best Restaurant in the World at The World Restaurant Awards in Paris in February 2019. Both chefs share the same vision of a vital and absolute connection to their land and produce, and the sea at which their restaurants are located. A number of international journalists and guests were taken on a culinary experience to gain insight into what inspires these chefs. Part of the experience was a visit to the small scale fishermen of ABALOBI, a sustainable fisheries project that is supported by the Government of Flanders through WWF South Africa.
“Two Brothers form another Sea” was supported by Toerisme Vlaanderen for the first part that took place in Flanders and by the General Representation of the Government of Flanders for the second part in the Western Cape.
Pictures: Jac de Villiers

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