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Site visit of health-related projects in Tete in Mozambique
Flanders Representative - South Africa 1503

Site visit of health-related projects in Tete in Mozambique

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From 2 to 5 December, CUAMM (Medicos com Africa) and UNFPA organized a joint site visit for the follow-up of their health-related projects in the province of Tete in Mozambique. General Representative Geraldine Reymenants and Deputy General Representative Kaat Matthys participated in the visit, together with representatives of the provincial government (DPS Tete), the Ministry of Health (MISAU) and WHO.

Among others, the Lifidzi health center, Domue's SAAJ (Youth friendly services) and Ulongue rural hospital, all in Angonia district close to the Malawian border, were visited. We also visited a school health corner in Zobue, Moatize district. In Tete city, we were able to observe the practical exams of the midwife students at the Instituto de Ciencias de Saude (ICS). The four-day trip gave a good insight into the complex challenges of the health sector in the remote and densely populated rural areas of Tete, as well as of organizing specific family planning services for adolescent boys and girls in a context of overcrowded health facilities. The joint visit also allowed exchange of experiences and stimulate cooperation and synergies between the different actors and projects.
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