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Flemish presidency of Prosaúde
Flanders Representative - South Africa 1526

Flemish presidency of Prosaúde

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On January 1 2021, Flanders took over the presidency of Prosaúde from Spain. Prosaúde is the common fund to finance healthcare in Mozambique. The fund consists of donor contributions from Ireland, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Flanders and UNFPA. The Mozambican government and the international donors jointly manage the fund.

Since 2008, Flanders has contributed 2 million Euro annually to the fund. The Government of Flanders wants to support and strengthen healthcare in Mozambique, as it is one of its partner countries for development cooperation.

On the one hand, the Flemish Prosaúde presidency demonstrates the recognition of Flanders as a responsible and knowledgeable development partner by the larger, leading donors. On the other hand, Flanders shows its commitment to development cooperation in Mozambique.
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